
Meet the Author

Jo-Ann Metzdorff is a Pastoral Associate at the Church of St. Mary in Manhasset, NY, and an Oblate of St. Benedict at St. Walburga Monastery in Elizabeth, NJ.  Starting her career as an art teacher in a Catholic school, her love of liturgy eventually led her to study theology leading to an MA degree from the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception on Long Island,  and begin a new part of her life in full time parish ministry.  She eventually earned an advanced post graduate certificate in Pastoral Ministry from the seminary as well as an Doctor of Ministry degree.  Her doctoral project was on the effects of consumerism on formation for and the celebration of First Holy Communion.

Jo-Ann earned an additional MA degree in 2009 in Theology with a  concentration on Liturgical Studies from the University of Notre Dame.  Along with study at Notre Dame, she picked up a great love of football.

In the parish, Jo-Ann is the director of liturgy and adult faith formation.  With her background in teaching, she found teaching adults to be enriching to both her and her students.  Jo-Ann is also on the diocesan Liturgy Commission and the Committee for RCIA. She teaches in the Pastoral Formation Institute, a two year diocesan lay formation program, and also does course work, workshops, lectures and retreat work in different parishes in the diocese. Recently Jo-Ann has found another gift as a writer and has written a number of articles for journals.

Jo-Ann lives on Long Island with her husband Michael. They are parents of three adult children...the first of whom is getting married in October 2012!