
January 21, 2012

I'm still here and thinking of Lent

Over two weeks have gone by since I last posted but aside from being extremely busy at work, I am experiencing a major attack of writers' block, which is not good since I have an article due at the beginning of February.  I am also working on preparing a special project for our parish during Lent.  We are going to be distributing a free book to any parishioner who wants one.  The book is Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly and is part of the Dynamic Catholic Institute founded by Kelly to help Catholics not only learn about their faith but to rediscover the beauty of our Catholic Faith.

Kelly found that most Catholics have not read good books on the faith. He makes books available for a minimal fee of $2 a copy if a parish orders over 500 copies. Currently there are three other titles available in the program. Through the generosity of a parishioner, we will be able to distribute 1500 copies of the book on the first Sunday of Lent. Hopefully our parishioners will read the book as part of their Lenten discipline.   At a later time, probably soon after Easter, we will have gatherings where people can talk about what they have "re-discovered" about their faith.

I am also working on showing the series Catholicism to small groups. Yet the fact that due to a lighting project in our church, our large meeting room is set up for daily mass during the week.  This will limit the number of people who we will be able to accommodate in our much smaller meeting rooms.  I am hoping people have heard of this wonderful series which I have already viewed twice and used with RCIA and an adult formation class.  I will be asking people to invite a friend to attend with them.

Personally, I am discerning what book I will be reading for Lent as well as what other disciplines I will be engaging.  Lent is still a month away, but it is never too early to start thinking about it.  Liturgy Training Publications has a wonderful little booklet What Am I Doing For Lent This Year? that helps people with that regard.  At $1 per copy with generous discounts for large orders, it is something the parish can purchase and distribute now to get a jump on Lent.

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